Terms of Use

The use of web pages and sites of “VASILIOU GLASS Ltd.” (henceforth the “Company”) presupposes the unconditional acceptance of the following terms of use, that are in effect for the total of the content, pages, graphics, the pictures, photographs and files that are included in the website of the Company (henceforth “website”). Consequently, the visitor/user owes to read carefully these terms before his browsing in the website and the use of provided services and, if he does not agree with these, he owes not to continue his browsing in the website. The visitor/user is requested to check the content of present terms for potential changes. To facilitation of visitors/users in the end of Terms is reported the date of their last revision/modification. The continuation use of the website means the unconditional, on behalf of the visitor/user, acceptance of these terms.


The total of content of this website, included (indicatively and no restrictively) logos, names, trademarks and traits, texts, news, graphics, photographs, plans, depictions, videos, sketches, constitutes subject of intellectual property of this Company or the persons that are cited, as proprietors of relative rights of the website and it is conditioned by the national and international provisions of Copyright. Subjects of third person intellectual property, that are included in the website has been placed in good faith and for reasons of briefing. It is obvious, that they will be removed if requested by the beneficiaries.

License Agreement

Is expressly prohibited any use, reproduction, republication, copy, saving, sale, transmission, distribution, publication, implementation, loading (download), translation, modification with any way, partially or in summary of the content of the website and services that are offered in this, without his authorization previously.

Exceptionally, is allowed the individual saving and copy of parts of the content to a simple personal computer for strictly personal use, without intention of commercial or other exploitation and always under the condition of insertion of his source of origin, without this meaning at any way the concession of copyrights property. Consequently, it is prohibited to constitute totally or partly object of sale, copy, modification, reproduction, republication or to be “loaded”, transmitted or distributed with any way. The remaining products or services that are reported in the web pages of the website and bring the logos of the corresponding organizations, companies, collaborators of institutions, unions or publications, constitute their own intellectual and industrial property and consequently these entities bring the relevant responsibility.

Disclaimer and Internet Liability Limitation

The Company overwhelms each possible effort, in order that the total of content and the information that is presented in the website to be characterized by precision, clarity, correctness, plenitude, topicality and availability. However, we do not guarantee, in any case, and in consequence we are not accountable (not even by negligence) for any damage that may be caused, by any chance, to the visitor/user, by the use of the website. The content and services are provided “as they are”, without any guarantee explicit or indirect, formulated or supposed, gone without saying the guarantees of satisfactory quality, appropriateness, inviolability of compatibility, safety and precision, which all we expressly deny. Also, we are not accountable for re-establishment of any damage (incidental and consequential, that it can indicatively consist to loss of profits, data, loss of earnings, pecuniary satisfaction etc.) from users/visitors of our website or third person, by cause that has relation with the operation or not, the use of website, by any chance inability of providing services/information, that are disposed by this or by any chance not allowed interventions by third persons to products/services/information that is provided via this. We overwhelm each possible effort for the good operation of the website, however we do not guarantee in any case that the operations of the website or servers will be continuous or without fault of any type, exempted from viruses and similar threats, even if it is about the website, even any other site or server via website’s content is transmitted.

Personal Data

During the browsing in the website may be probably collected personal data, either the user/visitor provides such data (e.g. to be informed for services/action), or with the use of “Cookies” or similar technologies. More information on this issue and in general the treatment of personal data can be found in the Policy of Protection of Personal Data of the Company:


Exclusion of Prompts – Advices

None part of the website’s content provided to the users/visitors does not constitute and cannot be considered in no case, straightly or indirectly, prompting, directive, advice or prompt on any action or omission, on the contrary it’s up to the discreet occasion of users/visitors, afterwards personal evaluation acts based on their own will, excluded any of our responsibility.

Connection to webpages (links)

As it is obvious, we do not check the availability, the content, the policy of protection of personal data, the quality and plenitude of services of other web sites and pages which by any chance we refer via “links” (hyperlinks) or advertising banners (henceforth called for brevity reasons as “connections”). The connections have been placed exclusively for the facilitation of visitors/users of the website, while the websites in which they are subject to, refer to the corresponding, of these websites, terms of use. The placement of connections does not constitute clue of approval or acceptance of content of corresponding websites and we don’t bring any responsibility for their content and for any damage may be caused from their use, while the visitor has access to them with his own responsibility.

Transient Provisions

We maintain the right of modification of the website’s content or services, as well as the terms of use, whenever it is judged necessary and without any previous warning, with their simple statement via the website.

It is expressly agreed that the courts of Athens are responsible for the resolution of any difference that derives from the present terms, which are conditioned by the Greek law.

If you have realized any problems in the content of the website, please notify us in the electronic address info@vasglass.gr, in order to move on in its immediate confrontation.

The present Terms were informed 23 July 2018.

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Διεύθυνση: 28ης Οκτωβρίου, Βασιλικό Χαλκίδας, Εύβοια

Τηλέφωνο: +30 22210 52607, +30 22210 53607

Fax: +30 22210 54278

Email: info@vasglass.gr


Φόρμα Επικοινωνίας